Vegan on the run

My last morning at home <3 feeling peaceful

My last morning at home ❤ feeling peaceful

I have been travelling today for most of the morning. In three hours I have taken a plane, train, tube, car and bus, and now I'm rather exhausted! As always when travelling I drank an inordinate amount of water to keep hydrated and had a banana for energy. Plane food, as a rule is full of sodium and nasties to make it keep well and in order for the companies to mass produce it, so I always stay away.

As a vegan travel can be tricky if you don't prep your snacks carefully in advance (the 'box-a-chips' on the in flight Bistro menu can start to look appealing if you haven't) but if you've planned and prepared it's all fine. Today I chopped up a mango and took that with me in a tupperware box, which worked a treat! For as long as I can remember my Mum gave me a mango at easter instead of a chocolate egg – not quite sure how the tradition started but I love it! My adoration for mango's is here to stay.

One of the things I really notice about healthy food is that – no matter how appealing a quick sugar fix may seem at the time – you will always feel better after something nutritious. That sugar high given by a chocolate bar will not last and it will leave you feeling sluggish, dense and dehydrated, whereas tuck into a part of nature's rainbow and you're away! Mango, for example, is super and leaves you feeling energized. In fact, all orange and yellow fruit and veg will give you a healthy boost as they contain vitamin c, potassium and many other vitamins that we need in order to feel our best. I think if we judge what we've eaten in a day by how many colours and fresh flavours we've consumed, instead of calorie counting and nit-picking, we'd be happier.

I enjoy making food rainbows 😀

natural rainbow <3

natural rainbow ❤

Juicing is a great way to get all your vitamins in and you absorb so much more of the nutritional potential of the fruits and veg too. It also tastes delicious – just saying 😛

Here are a few of my top combo's:

Apple, spinach, cucumber and ginger
Carrot, celery, apple and pear
Mango, lemon, kale and orange

Next post I'll break down some of the benefits of juices and recommend which relates best to which type of day, as well as talking about superfood powders and probably moaning quite a lot about hayfever…the only part of nature I mildly dislike!

For dinner tonight I kept it simple after a long rehearsal and an even longer day. I cooked myself amaranth pasta with mushroom and broccoli, cooked in tahini, coconut oil, lemon and fresh spices. It was wonderful, quick, and very welcome!


Thank you for reading, and for the kind comments already left 🙂

Peace x

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